Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Best of the Lot : Articles Elite

Every day we have (only) 24 hours. Do you want to spend time browsing through the 100's and 1000's of articles looking for your attention or just pick the right ones which convey the point in a clear crisp and articulate manner with examples as well if possible. Here are those articles which i have picked after going through 100's(saving your time)....Read them and use them to your benefit...

The latest :

A must-read article for every Black Belt/Green Belt who aspires to align his/her efforts to the best advantage of the organisation. This article also conveys the importance one has to give to the employees who will be involved/affected by these efforts. It once again proves the point that "Six Sigma can only succeed with complete support and conviction ; Senior Management Team to the just joined associate". Read on:

A very interesting article about how a father and son successfully used the PDSA(Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle to improve basketball shooting percentage. You can do the same to your business growth graph too... you will have to sign-up for ASQ to read the article. The registration is simple...go for it...and read on...

more to come soon....keep watching this space

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Fisher-Price recalls 1M toys

Yet another example of "Cost of Poor Quality"; not to mention the damage to the brand image and revenues. Read on...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Toy-maker Fisher-Price is recalling 83 types of toys -- including the popular Big Bird, Elmo, Dora and Diego characters -- because their paint contains excessive amounts of lead.

The worldwide recall being announced Thursday involves 967,000 plastic preschool toys made by a Chinese vendor and sold in the United States between May and August. It is the latest in a wave of recalls that has heightened global concern about the safety of Chinese-made products.

The recall is the first for Fisher-Price Inc. and parent company Mattel Inc. involving lead paint. It is the largest for Mattel since 1998 when Fisher-Price had to yank about 10 million Power Wheels from toy stores.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, David Allmark, general manager of Fisher-Price, said the problem was detected by an internal probe and reported to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The recall is particularly alarming since Mattel, known for its strict quality controls, is considered a role model in the toy industry for how it operates in China.
Fisher-Price and the commission issued statements saying parents should keep suspect toys away from children and contact the company.

The commission works with companies to issue recalls when it finds consumer goods that can be harmful. Under current regulations, children's products found to have more than .06 percent lead accessible to users are subject to a recall.

Allmark says the recall was "fast-tracked," which allowed the company to quarantine two-thirds of the toys before they even made it to store shelves. In negotiating details of the recall, Fisher-Price and the government sought to withhold details from the public until Thursday to give stores time to get suspect toys off shelves and Fisher-Price time to get its recall hot line up and running. However, some news organizations prematurely posted an embargoed version of the story online.

We can only hope this would be the last....

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Control Chart Decision Tree

Differing subgroup size : Defects u - chart
Defectives p - chart

Constant subgroup size : Defects c - chart
Defectives np - chart

Notes : This graphical representation helps in choosing the right control chart based on various factors mentioned in the flow chart. Have a copy of this image. It helps!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Business Belt: Integrating Six Sigma and Business Sense

Traditionally, Black Belts and Master Black Belts were expected to be experts on applying the tools and techniques of their craft. Unfortunately, the model of a Black Belt as an individual contributor is insufficient to provide the change leadership that current businesses require. The constant change that defines modern business mandates that the role of a Black Belt as a "process fixer" needs to evolve into a "business process integrator."

(An excellent article which details about the real role a Six Sigma professional can play in making it a success...A Must Read...)